LeanRite Standing Desk Chair: The Key to Workplace Wellness

LeanRite Standing Desk Chair: The Key to Workplace Wellness - Ergo Impact


Dr. Joanna Sevim explains why the LeanRite is the perfect companion for your standing desk. Our adjustable height chair offers three comfortable posture-perfect positions:

1) Lean: stand on a built-in anti-fatigue mat while receiving lumbar support

2) Perch: perch on the cushioned, adjustable seat with a neutral spine

3) Sit: on a seat designed for proper spinal alignment


Sit Less -- Move More  -- Live Better.


What people are saying about LeanRite...

"Perching on the LeanRite gave me the support I needed. Now I'm finally getting my money's worth out of my standing desk!"

- Jeremiah Seraphine (U/X Professional)


"The LeanRite helps me concentrate more. It’s stable and I don't have to constantly think about my posture and whether I'm hurting my back."

- Yuri Gallegos (Industrial Design Engineer at MHUB Chicago)


"This chair is like a dream come true for people who don't want to suffer from back pain"

- Jin Kong Kim (Business Exec.)


"I've been suffering from lower back pain from sitting 8-10 hours. With LeanRite™ I change posture every half hour without fatigue. Such a relief!"

- Lucas Whittington (Founder at backonimo.com)


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