Publisher of ‘TheMakerMom’ Kim Moldofsky Loves the LeanRite

Kim Moldofsky, publisher of TheMakerMom and STEMKidsChicago, just sent in this video to tell us how much she loves her LeanRite™ Elite for its flexibility and integrated anti-fatigue mat. The LeanRite solves many of the problems and pains she experienced working at a standing desk. Check it out:
Standing desks are more popular than ever as people become more knowledgeable of the health issues associated with sitting. However, standing for hours on end can be just as fatiguing and painful if done without proper support. The LeanRite addresses these pains by providing support to the body through multiple postures and positions, sit-to-stand (sit, stool, perch, and lean). With the LeanRite, standing desk users are able to move about more freely throughout their workday, keeping their bodies and minds fresh and focused.
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Many Thanks,
Jonathan Sheinkop
Founder/ CEO
What people are saying about us..
"Perching on the LeanRite gave me the support I needed. Now I'm finally getting my money's worth out of my standing desk!"
- Jeremiah Seraphine (U/X Professional)
"The LeanRite helps me concentrate more. It’s stable and I don't have to constantly think about my posture and whether I'm hurting my back."
- Yuri Gallegos (Industrial Design Engineer at MHUB Chicago)
"This chair is like a dream come true for people who don't want to suffer from back pain"
- Jin Kong Kim (Business Exec.)
"I've been suffering from lower back pain from sitting 8-10 hours. With LeanRite™ I change posture every half hour without fatigue. Such a relief!"
- Lucas Whittington (Founder at
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