Tips to Find Perfect Shoes for Standing Desk Users

Sitting all day can be problematic for office workers. Prolonged sitting can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. It’s also bad for your back. That’s why more and more office workers have made the switch to standing desks. With a standing desk and a sit-stand chair, you can work from a comfortable standing position, which can improve your overall wellness.
Standing at your desk for part of the day means you’re going to spend more time on your feet. While standing does take some getting used to (there’s an app for that!), good shoes will help you avoid sore feet and leg pain. You’ll need to have the right shoes, whether they’re supportive sandals or sneakers, for working at a standing desk.
What Are the Best Shoes to Wear at a Standing Desk?
There’s no single type of shoe that is best for wearing at a standing desk. Feet differ from one person to the next, so the criteria for finding the right shoe should be based on your individual concerns. In fact, some people that use standing desks don’t wear shoes at all. They simply stand on the LeanRite Elite’s integrated supportive mat and work in their bare feet or stockings.
Even if there is no universally perfect shoe that’s right for working at a standing desk, there are some things you should avoid. You don’t want shoes that are too restrictive, and you do want to make sure they offer adequate support. High heels aren’t a good option for standing desk users. They force the body into an unnatural posture which puts stress on the feet, legs, and back.
What to Look for
If you’re shopping for shoes to wear at your standing desk, there are several aspects that you will want to consider. Generally, you’ll want to find shoes that allow you to stand in a natural position while also distributing your weight evenly across each foot. The following guidelines will help you select the best pair.
Get the Right Size
Regardless of what you’re planning on doing in a pair of shoes, getting the right size is always important. Measure or get your feet measured, if possible. But keep in mind that sizes vary from brand to brand. Just because your foot fits a size 7 from one company, that doesn’t mean that it will in another.
It can also be helpful to go shoe shopping later in the day. Feet tend to swell as the day goes on, so a pair that’s plenty roomy at the beginning of the day can become uncomfortably snug after standing all day.
Room in the Toe Box
Having enough space in the toe box, the part that covers your toes, is important. If your toes don’t have enough room, they’ll be sore by the end of the day. Test the toe box by pressing down at the tip of the shoe when you try them on. Your toes should never be touch the tips of your shoes; you should have just enough room to wiggle them around.
Good Arch Support
Proper arch support is an important part of maintaining healthy feet. However, arch support needs can vary widely from person to person. Make sure to select shoes that follow the unique curvature of your feet. If they don’t feel supportive enough, consider buying inserts or visit a podiatrist to discuss custom arch supports.
Test Your Shoes
Comfort is the best ultimate test. Walk around a bit at the store and stand as you plan to at your desk to get a feel for the shores. If you have any concerns after just a minute or two of use, they’re not going to work for standing for a day of work.
Working at a standing desk can be good for your overall health. It can help you pay better attention to your body, including your feet. With the right shoes, you can pass the day working comfortably from a standing desk. But, first you’ll have to take the time to find the pair that is right for your feet.
What shoes do you wear as you stand, lean, sit, and perch with the LeanRite? Tag us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #LeanRite.
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